Imagine a Workforce of Happy People
Who Care About Results & One Another!
Who Care About Results & One Another!
That’s called engagement. And the Relationship Resonance system can help your business get there!
The EQUIP model is perfect for getting your people up to speed with the latest relational-based strategies that help
boost performance, relieve stress, increase productivity, enhance communication, and maximize potential.
Reward Your Employees
Drive Sales
Attract Attention

Let Doug Show You How!
Evidence-based medicine blended with Harvard Business Review research created Doug Hacking your employee wellness advisor. Passion, needs and experience have focused Doug’s lens on the mental health aspects of JOB STRAIN. Using referenced material explained through real-world examples with his unique ability to entertain and inform, he will help develop your winning strategy. Dr. Hacking has blended twenty years of professional teaching experience with research and practice to create a system aimed at lowering stress levels at home and in the workplace.
Learning How to Connect with Your Teams
Avoiding Costly Relational Disconnecting Agents
Reconnecting After a Setback
Be a Better Leader, Make a Better Impact
When you connect with people before you attempt to lead them, it greatly increases your chances of success. People look at where your heart is before they look for your direction. So learn to think, communicate and act like a champion who cares to bring out the best in yourself as well as those around you.